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WSLU support: stories of renovation

Olena Shevchuk, Chief Ecosoft’s R&D department

The story of my house began in the spring of 2021 – I bought it unfinished in the beautiful Irpin city, where my favorite work and many friends are located. During the year I spent building, repairing and planting my garden. Finally, I was able to invite friends and family to my house for New Year’s holidays. Those were happy days when we planned the future with many ideas.

And then February 24, 2022 came… My family was lucky not to be under shelling in Irpen, we stayed in Kyiv. But not a day passed that I didn’t try to look for information about my house, about my friends from Irpen. The news got worse every day. When I saw a photo of Ecosoft’s burned-out plant, I was shocked.

In April, accompanied by a sapper and my colleagues, I came to my house. I found it “wounded” by mine fragments and shelling, but house was alive! It was a great success for Irpen, where many houses were burned and totally destroyed. I had to replace 10 windows, part of the roof, and repair holes in the walls.

Thanks to financial support from the WSLU Foundation, I was able to finish all renovation before the autumn cold.

Volkov Sergii,  Ecosoft’s Chief Product Officer

I am very grateful for financial support to the “Water Saves Life Ukraine” Foundation. It allowed to renovate quickly our house before the cold weather.

We stayed in this house from February 24 till March 6. On the third day, electricity and mobile coverage disappeared. Finally, our food started to run out. On the 12th day, we were completely under siege. The orks were everywhere, in every neighboring village. They can come to us at any moment. We decided to breakthrough. On March 6, we left that hell. And on March 9, our house was destroyed by russian mortar attack. One room, the roof, windows and doors were completely destroyed.

Thanks to the WSLU’s financial support, we completely renovated the roof of the house in a short period of time. By our own funds we renovated the walls and installed new windows. There is still no pre-war comfort, but now our house can once again become shelter during the cold winter for us.

Mostova Inna, manager in Ecosoft’s International sales department

Here is our house as we saw it after we returned to Irpin in April 29. We were very happy that we still have a place to live, unlike many people who had nowhere to return to.

Thanks to “Water Saves Lives” foundation we were able to put windows in our apartment, which was a priority at that time. Now we continue to restore the house by the joint efforts of its residents.

I am extremely grateful to our partners who did not leave people alone in this terrible situation!

Glushakova Natallia, Ecosoft’s accounter

Due to russian invasion in Ukraine with “russian world”, our house  suffered significant destruction by tank’s shells. Photos of our house flew around the world: it survived, but still need significant renovation. We became homeless, alone with our problem.

Thanks to the  “Water Saves Life Ukraine” foundation, our family could make apartment’s renovation and we all hope to back at home again in the spring. Thank you, WSLU!

Lashevych Olena, specialists in Ecosoft’s Operational department

Thank you very much, WSLU foundation, for financial support that is so important to our family today. 

We were able to replace damaged windows, repair office equipment and shot walls in our apartment in Irpin!

Berezhna Julia, Ecosoft’s manager

Power outages in Ukraine after russian strikes on critical infrastructure are actually forcing people to survive in low winter temperatures.
Our family is grateful to the “Water saves life Ukraine” foundation for financial support that will help us survive this winter in the warm house. We were able to buy firewood, as well as an autonomous system for providing electricity to heating pumps – power battery and inverter.

Be warm and be the victory of Ukraine! Thank you, WSLU!